The wallet module allows ongoing Web2 games and their user bases to access the rich features of TheGame.fun💊 with minimal integration effort. Built on top of the wallet abstraction module of the gaming intent layer, the TheGame.fun💊 Wallet SDK offers all the capabilities of the underlying protocol along with bespoke features tailored for TheGame.fun💊:

  • Wallet Creation: Wallets can be easily created within the game, with a custodial wallet option available.

  • Account Linking: Multiple game accounts can be linked to the same wallet for aggregated management of accounts and assets.

  • Asset Display & Management: On-chain and in-game items from multiple applications are displayed and managed within a single interface.

  • Airdrops: TheGame.fun💊 conducts token airdrops for players and core contributors based on in-game achievements and asset holdings. Access points are flexibly placed within the game, including in-game messages, mailboxes, and events, where users can learn about airdrop details and be smoothly directed to TheGame.fun💊 products. Additionally, ecosystem assets such as ONS, One Spark, and XBOX enable stakers or holders to continuously receive airdrops of TheGame.fun💊 ecosystem game tokens.

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